This 2023 Progress Report covers our journey from 2016 to 2023, focusing on the following topics.
- Key accomplishments
- Challenges and lessons learn
- View our Shared Metric Data Workbook
- What's next?
- Our contributions during COVID-19
- Ready Region Southeastern
The Data and Knowledge Sharing Working Group collects and shares data with the other Working Groups and measures impact in specific areas. It provides guidance and input on data, learning and evaluation, annual reports and metrics. Below are links to various data sources utilized by each of the Minus 9 to 5 work groups:
- 2025 Minus 9 to 5: Priority Action Matrix
- Explore Kindergarten Readiness Readiness Reports for the five cities using the results of the 2019 Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program assessments. For a city to city comparison see this chart.
- Explore Virginia’s Biennial School Readiness Report Card: Interactive Map
- Explore Greater Hampton Roads Community Indicators Dashboard: Minus 9 to 5 metrics
- Explore the Child Care Aware Mapping Project to see the various types of child care programs throughout the state or explore specific counties, communities or neighborhoods.
Federal and state investments to improve access and quality of early childhood education systems as of spring of 2021.
Child Care Aware of Virginia also has fact sheets providing an overview regarding the supply of child care and early care specific to locality (# of child care programs by regulation type, program type, licensed capacity, and self-reported cost of care).