Are you a childcare director or family day home provider participating in VQB5
Childcare Leaders, we are here to help!
For those providers in Ready Region Southeastern, we are hosting our VQB5 Registration events near you! Join us for the Ready Region Southeasterns LinkB5 Registration event. This event will give you the opportunity to learn more about the benefits of VQB5 participation and will walk you through the LinkB5 2024-2025 registration process! Remember, there are new requirements for 2024-2025.
For more information on these in-person events, check out and share our Ready, Set, Get Linked Registration Flyer
VECF has great resources to help you with your Child Care business. Some of the topics include-- Attracting & Retaining Staff, Finances & Operations, Taxes, Growth & Stability, and State/Federal Funding. New Resources for Child Care Providers are valuable guides for a number of different topics.
VQB5 is a measurement and improvement system that focuses on the quality of all publicly-funded birth-five classrooms and supports families to choose quality programming across different program types. VQB5 sets shared expectations for measuring quality and supporting teachers for all birth to five programs. Through VQB5, teachers and leaders will receive the feedback and support they need to help young children learn.
We are in the process of launching the NEW Ready Region Southeastern Training Calendar. This calendar will show all workshops and trainings in the Southeastern Region offered by multiple partners and professionals so stay tuned.... for now, visit our upcoming Ready Region Southeastern Intro to CLASS courses here
Childcare Aware has a NEW Classroom and Online Training Calendar for you to explore. Find trainings near you
Interested in becoming a CLASS Observer for your program? Contact Shelby Meier at MeierSL@odu.edu
Learn more about becoming a CLASS Observer for your center: Internal Observer Information
Share these Mental Health Well-Being for Early Childhood Providers resources to help with building a healthy body and brain.
Class Observer Responsibilities Image Description
VQB5 requirements for 2023-2024
Beginning in August 2023, all publicly funded programs that serve children ages birth to 5 are required* by state law to participate in VQB5. This includes:
Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI)
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE or IDEA Part B, Section 619 preschool)
Head Start / Early Head Start
Virginia's Child Care Subsidy Program (VA CCSP)
Local government child care assistance, such as Fairfax's Child Care Assistance and Referral (CCAR) program
Title 1 Preschool
Virginia Early Childhood Foundation (VECF) Mixed Delivery
Federal Department of Defense Military Child Care Fee Assistance (MCCYN)
Federal Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS)
(Programs that do not receive public funding have the option to participate)
RecognizeB5 recognizes that strengthening the ECCE system starts at the classroom level.
Teachers should be supported to improve and be recognized as one of the most important elements to a high-quality experience for young learners.
Many early childhood teachers—especially in family day homes and child care settings—are women of color who provide an essential service yet often are paid less than teachers in school-based settings.
Teacher turnover is much higher in these settings, which can negatively impact adult-child relationships and interactions.
For more information on RecognizeB5, contact them directly at RecognizeB5@VECF.org